January 2025 Events

Hey, it’s Darius, Michael, and John.

We have a lot in store for 2025.

Here are the January events we have for our paid community members so you can lock them in on your calendar.

  • Workshop: How to Use Storytelling to Stand Out from the Crowd — January 17th from 9AM to 10:30EST

  • Q&A/Community Hang-Out — January 31st at 9AM EST

We will be sending out an invite to the events via email to all of our paid subscribers a week before the event as well as one 24 hours before kick-off.

If you aren’t yet a paid member, you can upgrade here.

Workshop: How to Use Storytelling to Stand Out from the Crowd — January 17th from 9AM to 10:30EST

If 2023 marked the rise of the machines, 2024 is the year they went mainstream.

ChatGPT. Jasper. Claude. AI developments have their place and can certainly help with research, brainstorming, and editing. But if you want to stand out and build a devoted audience, sharing personal stories that resonate with readers on a human level is critical.

In this workshop, Michael will be diving into actionable exercises to begin to collect and share stories only you can tell. In addition, we will be workshopping a short story from one of our community members.

Doors will open at 8:30AM to hang out for a bit and meet other community members before Michael begins the workshop.

Q&A/Community Hang-Out — January 31st at 9AM EST

This will be our inaugural Q&A and Community Hang-Out. To follow up on our first two workshops, the conversation will be geared toward (but not limited to) storytelling and engaging writing so please bring your questions.

As always, all sessions will be recorded and we will be sending out a replay in case you can’t make it.

That said, we’d love to see you there.

In the meantime, if you have any questions we’re a click away.

— Darius, Michael, and John.